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Trillian Astra 4.0a Build 103 PreCracked

Astra comprises a new set of services designed specifically for Trillian users. With a strong focus on privacy and security, it allows Trillian users to locate each other, share their IM accounts and dynamic personal information, and communicate anywhere at any time.

Your contact list everywhere you go

A long-standing feature request, your contact list is now downloaded everytime you start Trillian. That means if you’re visiting a friend’s house or configuring a new computer, your personalized contact list will stay with you.

Add one Trillian Astra IM name and get the rest for free

Even with an interoperable instant messaging client, explaining who you are to a new friend is still somewhat of a burden. You have 5 IM accounts; which ones will you hand out? Today’s solutions involve long signatures at the end of e-mails and filled-out forms on social networking sites. The burden of trying to equate “John Doe” to a batch of IM names, e-mail addresses, and phone numbers has never been a particularly easy task to automate. With Trillian Astra, your contact information is automatically managed and exported to anyone who requests it (within the privacy restrictions that you define), making it easier than ever to describe your digital presence to your contacts.

Social Widgets

As we surveyed the best way to develop an interoperable personal information system, frustration with today’s solutions and their absolute lack of extensibility and aesthetic appeal was at the forefront of our minds. Comma-delimited lists are now a thing of the past; powered by a dynamic, flexible information store and Flash 9, widgets are visual interpretations of otherwise stagnant user data. The building blocks of a widget are open source, and any aspiring Flash developer can create new widgets to capture and showcase a new piece of information. The backend data structure is not limited in any way, making widgets truly free of restrictions.

New login screen and easy guest login

With proper support for Windows’ Documents & Settings architecture, it’s easy to keep your Trillian settings separate from other users on the same PC. The new login screen allows you to log in as an “invisible” user, and guest mode lets visitors log in quickly without leaving any files or personal artifacts behind.

Strong encryption and identity verification

Trillian Astra also includes the next generation of SecureIM encryption. Astra conversations are secured automatically with a new public-key system, ensuring your communication stays private; encrypted messages intended for you will be useless to anyone else. Public keys help you be sure that you’re actually talking to the right person, and not someone who has hijacked another account.

Open protocol

The protocols used by Trillian Astra are open to any client developer wishing to interoperate with them. Protocol documentation will be published and maintained upon official release. Cerulean Studios is committed to maintaining and supporting interoperable networks.

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